Jonathan Kemp challenge
At the beginning of 2018 I decided to set myself a photography project which would last one year. This was the start of an immediate challenge, for me, it is easy to do something for a few days… maybe a month or two… however to commit myself to a one-year project felt like quite a commitment and a little bit daunting.
I was looking for something meaningful that would have several benefits. I had just moved to live in Covent Garden in Central London and decided that a project on my new neighbourhood would be a great way of settling in, finding out more about where I live and meeting new people. It was also all around me, which minimised travel and made the doing and completion of a one-year project more realistic.
So, I setup the project and eventually called it ‘one year living in Central London.’ I had initially called it ‘one year in Covent Garden’ until a friend pointed out that strictly speaking quite a few of my photos were from surrounding areas, which being so close by, are as much part of my immediate neighbourhood as Covent Garden is. So, a little name change covered all bases!
The aim was to explore a different topic each month, which would give also me an opportunity to take photographs of both the place and the people.
The challenge was also an opportunity to explore using Social Media more than I had, trying out different platforms and the starting to blog and vlog… another two new experiences.
Here follows the journey: